Friday, June 08, 2007


i think i learned that when you do business with people you learn who they really are.

maybe that is why jesus said where your treasure is your heart is also.

i talk with people all the time that i know really well and those that are STRONG acquaintances.
i dont know if they are trying to be polite and not hurt my feelings or what but this is a common occurrence.

rant one
"i'll give you a call later either way." i never hear from them again
it gets awkward when we cross paths believe me. not for me, i dont care, but its obvious on their face.

me: "can you give me a yes either way? if your answers no thats okay." (this is really how i feel at least im getting a def. answer)
them: "yes."
me:(later on) so how do you feel, yes or no?
them: "can i get back to you. ill promise ill call you."

i guess yes and no are a lot harder to say than you think.

i just see a lot of people that are presumed to have a lot of character and then when you try to talk to them you get a shady runaround.

this is not one specific instance but numerous occasions. i dont blog much. so obliviously its become pretty obvious to me.

second rant

the job i have isnt a fling. its my profession. i will do it for years. i love it. this is how i feel.
i dont appreciate being seen as the same kid that grew up in athens so my job is just some gimmick or something that will pass. its helps people and there is no risk. how often do you get that opportunity? not many.

i say this because dealing with people i dont know is easier than those i do know. i get straight answers and there is no preconceived idea about who i am or was.

maybe this says more about me than them. i dont know.

after i visit with you im done selling. if i see you around town and expect me to talk about my job and try to "sale you" im not. you had your chance. thats why a straight answer helps. i refuse to be the insurance guy.

why do i think you see a real person when you engage in business with them, because you find out real quick what they care about. honesty. integrity. straight answer. or if they just want money. how do they deal with people who want fifteen minutes before they say no to something they know nothing about? kind rebuttal or jack ass?

im not trying to hurt you. and if your answer is no, you're not hurting me.

just have some integrity and dont break your promises, all the time...

...and scene

but its not like anyone reads this.